Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crouching Sin, Hidden Temptation

We used Genisis 4, the story of Cain and Able for our lesson today and how Cain messed up, we all make mistakes but it's how we respond when we make those mistakes that is important. We can learn from them, or make a bigger mistake.

For our opening game we had stickers on the back of 5 chairs in the room, those that were sitting in those chairs were the contestants for our game. On the table in front of these 5 kids were prizes, toys, that they got to pick from and which ever they picked they could keep, and unlike last week there was no fine print. However, this week they had a hard time deciding on which one they wanted for none of them were in very good condition, see I didnt pick from my best toys, I picked from those that were broken or had missing pieces, or even to dried up to do anything with. After I saw the desapointment on their faces, I felt bad and gave them each a brownie instead. This game led into how Able gave God a good gift, the best of his flock. But Cain just gave God some of his crops and didn't pick out very best for him. Cain became jelous and probably felt like a failure. It's at this moment that we have a decision to make, how are we going to handle the situation from here out. Will we make things worse, or better? Because of his jelousy Cain killed his very own brother.

We watched the toy box tale about Crouching Sin, Hidden Temptation, about a boy that cheats on a spelling test and the trouble he ends up in.

We had one of the kids dress as Gus today, Gus again came in all bandaged up. This time it turns out he had a dream he was fighting sin, but when he woke up he discovered he had been fighting himself. How often do we try to fight sin on our own? And end up fighting ourselves and losing. If we are going to fight sin, we need God to fight for us.

I then informed the kids that I used to pretent that I was a karate kid. And I was going to demonstrate for them how I could break a metal reinforced wood beam. Breaking these metal reinforced wood beams is a good way to release anger. I had my volunteers carry this in and demonstrated breaking this ....pencil, with my bare hands.

For our closing game we had a bunch of colored egg halves on the table and underneath of them was either a piece of candy or a puff ball. The point of the game was to end up with the most puff balls at the end of the game, however, if a puff ball was under their chosen egg half they had to give all the m&m's to the other player. After a few rounds of this some of the kids had figured out that it was the yellow eggs that had the puff balls underneath. Amazing how we can learn from our mistakes and improve the next time around!

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