Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Servants Heart

This Sunday the whole church teamed up. They were split into group and went to different places: homes that need repairs or yard work done, and into the community to spruce things up a bit around places such as Elements and the park. Even the children over the age of 8 went out and helped serve others. These kids overlooked their age and put their good deeds to work, raking, mowing, pulling weeds, just cleaning up....
Back at the church with the younger ones, we talked about how serving others is the best way to serve God.
We watched a toybox tales video on how we need to have a servants heart, even when we 'just don't feel like doing it'. The King of the Kingdom announces he is
going to retire and is looking to give the kingdom to a
new king! All they need to do is come to the Castle
and apply for the job. On the path to the castle there is
a giant rock on the path blocking the way – many toys
pass by and complain about it – ‘someone should do
something about that’ – but all they do is mutter and go
around it. Finally one toy sees the rock and moves it
out of the way only to find a note underneath – ‘give
this to the King’ – the King gives him the throne
because he was the only person applying for the job
that had a servant heart.
They talked about things that even though they are smaller would still be able to do to help out. And how Jesus said, I did not come to be served, but to serve.
We ended by playing a batting game, where once they answered a question from the lesson - they were up to bat.

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