Monday, May 11, 2009

Satan: The Biggest Loser

To start today we had two kids come forward, one was Team A and held a bowl of candy bars, the other was team B and help a bowl of grapes. All the kids had an opportunity to choose which team to be on. After all the kids had picked a team the leader from Team A announced that everyone on that team could have a candy bar for a dollar. Leader B announced that those on his team could have some grapes for free. Often the world offers things that seem like a good deal, such as the more good stuff you have the happier you will be. Everyone else is doing it, so it must be ok. However, they often have a price.

Grapes may not be as exciting or popular as a candy bar, but it was free and it is better for you. Choosing God's ways aren't always as popular either, but it is better. Different things in life may seem more fun, but often when you take time to think about it these things also come with unpleasant consequences.

The only way we can be stong enough to stand against these trials in life is to know the Word of God.

There is an example in the Bible, Matthew 4, where Satan tried to trick Jesus. Satan even tried to use parts of the scripture, but he twisted it and didn't tell it as it was intended to be. But Jesus didn't fall into any of these tricks, he knew the Bible, he had them in his heart, and was able to stand against the temptations.

To end our lesson we played a game where we we had 5 balloons upfront with lies written on them, such as No One Will Know, and on 5 sheets of paper were written Bible verses that distroyed (popped) the lies. As they matched up the lies with the verses they received a piece of gum or a football card.

For our closing game we had 5 items up on the table, and two kids were chosen to come forward and quess the prices of these items. The child who's total amount was closest to the real total amount of the items was the winner and recieved a water bottle.

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