Monday, April 6, 2009

When we Fall...Biggest Boo-Boo Ever

Today we started a new theme on sin. We started off class with a game where one child was chosen to come forward, they were instructed to pick a prize off of the table, no need to spend a lot of time thinking, just to pick what looked good to them. The prizes were an MP3 player, Gameboy DS, cell phone, and a twinkie. Each of these items were marked FREE. The child chose the Gameboy DS. However they didn't notice the fine print at the bottom that read, 'Winner of this prize is the proud owner for 10 secends and then it is to be returned to the original owner.' The twinkie on the other hand had fine print that read, 'The winner of this prize gets to keep it.' In life satan will trick you by not telling you the whole truth. Which usually results in unexpected things or consequences.
Gus was back today and had brought a birthday gift. He excitedly handed the gift to Tim, a bag of candy. The bag was empty. When Gus was questioned on this he admitted that he had just one. And then later he was looking at the candy and it looked so yummy he had just one. And then after lunch he had just one, he figured nobody would mind. Gus never did admit to eatting them all, just ONE at a time. Alot of people sin alot, but will only talk about the ONE little thing they did, not realizing that the sum of their sins is that they rob God and others of a “full
bag” – their life ends up very empty.
The kids were all asked this question, “What do you do when your friends all want to do something that you know is wrong?” They had some crazy, even violent, answers. : ) But they all had the right idea, to turn and run.
For our next game we had a Hershey Kiss, fun size Butterfinger, and a regular Twix on the table. Our volunteer was asked to choose any one of the candies that they wanted. No fine print this time. I did tell them that I really love kids, and delight to give very good things, so I think they should trust me and pick the little one, but they don’t have to. It is totally up to them. The child chose the biggest option on the table, the Twix. They hadn't seen the hidden reward of the LARGE hershey bar if only they had listen to the instuction of picking the small one. We need always to remember to trust God when he says he loves us and delights to give us good things. Sometimes the things of the world appear to be more attractive than the things of God, but we have to remember that in the long run, choosing God’s Way will always be better!
We had a couple other fun activies to go with our lesson today, and then we talked about Genisis Chapter 3, how the serpent tricked Eve into eatting the forbidden fruit, and what came of it. And how we need to try our hardest not to sin, or do things we know are wrong. God gave us free will to choose what we want in life, if we want to follow him or not. We need to fight the temptations of life daily and not fall in to them.

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