With it being the day after Valentine's Day it was only fitting to talk about what we love. The kids each shared one thing that they love, here are some of there answers: tv, PS2, candy, gum, pop, football, my mom and dad, Jesus. Aww, the important things to children. : )
We played a game where each child had a heart with their name on it taped to their back. They were told the name of the game is Guard Your Heart, try to collect as many of the others players hearts as you can. When the game was over the winners were not those who had the most hearts, it was the ones who still had their own heart still on their back, even if they collected no other hearts.
Back in the class we talked about how we need to guard our hearts and how we sometimes go after things that may seem harmless but in the long run can steal our heart. We talked about how some of the things we love can even be harmful.
Your 'heart' is the part of you that loves and enjoys life. There are a lot of people and things in this world that are after your heart. There are also a lot of things that we chase after, but just like in this game, when chasing those things, we lose our own heart in the process.
There are some people in this world that while guarding their heart, look like they are missing out on getting a lot of things, but the truth is, they haven't lost anything, they had it to start with - and in the long run, they will be the happier ones.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
We ended the day by decorating and filling bags with candy and leaving them as a pleasant surprise on the cars in the parking lot of the church.
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